Meeting Minutes February 15, 2014

EAA Chapter 1167

Treasurer Report:

  • Checking: Balance is $2,024.74
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Was $1,239.74; paid National EAA renewal & insurance, added the dues of 5 members and deposited the Ford Tri-Motor commision recognition.

  • Petty Cash: Balance is $0

Old Business:

New Business:

Tech Talk:

Future fly-in's

Adjourned meeting.

Officers Present:

Sarah Floyd, Co-President

Duane Drisko, Treasurer

Jesse Hyman, Secretary

Dennis Scott, Webmaster

Members and Visitors Present:

Carl Knuth

Tom Underwood

B'SuzanSiouxzeee "Suzee" Harper

Steve Hunter

Ralph Fenimore

Larry Howell

Larry Vaught